Let’s Talk Hair Loss

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Yeah, we are pissed off too. Apparently, hair loss can be a symptom with all of them. Well, at least there is equal pay for women… oh wait.

We’ve been having a real think here at KIT of ways we can implement change to help support women+.  Below we explain why this happens, and some ways you can implement support in your salons.


Female pattern hair loss and facial hirsitism (the growth of excessive dark or coarse hair in a male-like pattern) can often be seen in menopausal women. The reason for this?  You guessed it …hormones.  And during menopause, a woman’s estrogen and progesterone levels drop dramatically. 

During pregnancy, the body ups its levels of progesterone and estradiol (a form of oestrogen) - both of which are amazing for your hair. Fast-forward to around 3 months postpartum, when progesterone and estradiol levels undergo a monumental decrease as they head back to pre-pregnancy levels.

FEAR NOT.  While pregnancy hormones are different for every woman, generally any hair lost during the postpartum months will eventually grow back.

RIGHT, when it comes to PERIODS it's a whole different story:

When you experience a heavy menstrual flow every month, you are more likely to become anaemic. This type of anaemia develops slowly and over time, so you may not recognise the common symptoms of fatigue and an increased heart rate, but you may start to notice some hair loss.


SO we’ve outlined a few ways to embed a better framework in place at your salon for women+ suffering with hair loss.KIT TIPS:

  • Create a narrative where women+ suffering with hair loss are able to rely and talk openly with you and your team.
  • Establishing policies and practices that aid, and protect specific needs to those going through hair loss.  
  • Research yourself to try and understand their difficulties.
  • Talk about uncertainties, the support needed, and be aware that this is really common. 
  • Offer guidance and possible solutions to clients who have vocalised their struggle.

Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any suggestions on how you have learnt to work with clients in these experiences. If you’re interested in this then we suggest reading our previous article LET’S TALK MENOPAUSE on HER+ EXPERIENCE 

It's a big deal for us here at KIT to make you live your fullest life, and this means talking about stuff that is stigmatised.

By Sophia Collins

March 2022

Let’s Talk Hair Loss



Yeah, we are pissed off too. Apparently, hair loss can be a symptom with all of them. Well, at least there is equal pay for women… oh wait.

We’ve been having a real think here at KIT of ways we can implement change to help support women+.  Below we explain why this happens, and some ways you can implement support in your salons.


Female pattern hair loss and facial hirsitism (the growth of excessive dark or coarse hair in a male-like pattern) can often be seen in menopausal women. The reason for this?  You guessed it …hormones.  And during menopause, a woman’s estrogen and progesterone levels drop dramatically. 

During pregnancy, the body ups its levels of progesterone and estradiol (a form of oestrogen) - both of which are amazing for your hair. Fast-forward to around 3 months postpartum, when progesterone and estradiol levels undergo a monumental decrease as they head back to pre-pregnancy levels.

FEAR NOT.  While pregnancy hormones are different for every woman, generally any hair lost during the postpartum months will eventually grow back.

RIGHT, when it comes to PERIODS it's a whole different story:

When you experience a heavy menstrual flow every month, you are more likely to become anaemic. This type of anaemia develops slowly and over time, so you may not recognise the common symptoms of fatigue and an increased heart rate, but you may start to notice some hair loss.


SO we’ve outlined a few ways to embed a better framework in place at your salon for women+ suffering with hair loss.KIT TIPS:

  • Create a narrative where women+ suffering with hair loss are able to rely and talk openly with you and your team.
  • Establishing policies and practices that aid, and protect specific needs to those going through hair loss.  
  • Research yourself to try and understand their difficulties.
  • Talk about uncertainties, the support needed, and be aware that this is really common. 
  • Offer guidance and possible solutions to clients who have vocalised their struggle.

Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any suggestions on how you have learnt to work with clients in these experiences. If you’re interested in this then we suggest reading our previous article LET’S TALK MENOPAUSE on HER+ EXPERIENCE 

It's a big deal for us here at KIT to make you live your fullest life, and this means talking about stuff that is stigmatised.

By Sophia Collins

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