Let’s Talk Menopause

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Here at KIT, we will continue to follow our HER+ EXPERIENCE campaign, which will continue to appear every week in our newsletter. 

‘Women issues’ is now a phrase that is thrown around in ironic and fucking hurtful ways. It's 2022, and we’re bored of these issues not being taken seriously. Frankly, we sometimes feel like we get  zero respect for literally just being ourselves. With discrimination and sexism rife in so many male-dominated sectors, it’s important we break the taboo, silence and straight-up neglectful culture that surrounds menopause for women in the workplace.  

Let’s give you some numbers:

There are 3.5 million women above the age of 50 working in the UK right now. This doesnt even include the millions of preimenopausal women (referring to the transitional period leading up to menopause).  

For about every 1 in 100 women, menopause starts before 40, and perimenopausal symptoms can start before. 

And the symptoms of menopause alter from person to person, hot flushes, brain fog, anxiety, and 25% of women will experience severe symptoms. 

Click here to look at more stats and just revere these fucking incredible women who are trying to change the stigma:  

We’ve also explored and done the research so we can provide  some tips and tricks to embed a better framework for women struggling with menopause at your workplace.Lets Break the Silence of Menopause in the Workplace

KIT tips and tricks to embed a better framework for women struggling with menopause at your workplace

  • Cultivating a psychological safe work culture.  A culture where employees can disclose there menopause journey both preimenopausal and menopause. 
  • Establishing policies and practices that aid, and protect specific needs to those going through menopause
  • Have more of an understanding on the symptomatic effects menopause have for women 
  • Talk about uncertainties, the support needed, and be aware that every woman is affected different to menopause, some more severe than others
  • Adopting a culture in the workplace where women are respected and understood 
  • Be an ally - a supportive manager or teammate goes a long way
March 2022

Let’s Talk Menopause


Here at KIT, we will continue to follow our HER+ EXPERIENCE campaign, which will continue to appear every week in our newsletter. 

‘Women issues’ is now a phrase that is thrown around in ironic and fucking hurtful ways. It's 2022, and we’re bored of these issues not being taken seriously. Frankly, we sometimes feel like we get  zero respect for literally just being ourselves. With discrimination and sexism rife in so many male-dominated sectors, it’s important we break the taboo, silence and straight-up neglectful culture that surrounds menopause for women in the workplace.  

Let’s give you some numbers:

There are 3.5 million women above the age of 50 working in the UK right now. This doesnt even include the millions of preimenopausal women (referring to the transitional period leading up to menopause).  

For about every 1 in 100 women, menopause starts before 40, and perimenopausal symptoms can start before. 

And the symptoms of menopause alter from person to person, hot flushes, brain fog, anxiety, and 25% of women will experience severe symptoms. 

Click here to look at more stats and just revere these fucking incredible women who are trying to change the stigma:  

We’ve also explored and done the research so we can provide  some tips and tricks to embed a better framework for women struggling with menopause at your workplace.Lets Break the Silence of Menopause in the Workplace

KIT tips and tricks to embed a better framework for women struggling with menopause at your workplace

  • Cultivating a psychological safe work culture.  A culture where employees can disclose there menopause journey both preimenopausal and menopause. 
  • Establishing policies and practices that aid, and protect specific needs to those going through menopause
  • Have more of an understanding on the symptomatic effects menopause have for women 
  • Talk about uncertainties, the support needed, and be aware that every woman is affected different to menopause, some more severe than others
  • Adopting a culture in the workplace where women are respected and understood 
  • Be an ally - a supportive manager or teammate goes a long way

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